Tuesday 8 April 2014

Microstrategy Dashboard

Metrics and Attributes Chosen

Below is a list of the metrics and attributes chosen for our dashboard and beside them are the questions they are related to:
  • Units Sold and Supplier -  Which supplier sold the most units?
  • Item Category and Cost -  Which item category has the most cost?
  • Item Category and Revenue -  Which item category has the most revenue?
  • Months and Revenue -  Which month made the most revenue?
  • Item Category and Units Sold - Which item category has the highest amount of units sold?

Units Sold and Supplier

The first metric and attribute we chose was suppliers and units sold. The visualization that we chose to compare this attribute and metric was a heat map. This is a good visualization to choose because from it we can easily see that the rectangles that are dark green sold the most units while the rectangles that are dark red sold the least amount of units. Some conclusions that we can make from this visualization is that books from BMG sold the best, with Virgin Records at a close second place. We sold the least books from AFT Electronics and Megastore Corp.
Heat map of Suppliers and Units Sold

 Item Category and Cost

Next we chose, item category and cost for the bookstore. A few of the areas that will be covered are what metrics and attributes were used and reasons why, reasons why the visualization was chosen, and finally what conclusions or insights can you draw from the item category and cost. The metrics and attributes that were used for this question was a vertical bar graph and metric costs in millions. The reason why this was chosen was because it is the best presentable way to show the data for item category and cost. The reason behind choosing a vertical bar graph, is that it is the most easily understandable way to view which item category cost the most. The conclusions that I can learn from item category and cost was that the cost of the items were fairly consistent and high with the action genre having the most cost around $10.7 million and the lowest with the cost of cameras being at $1.9 million. From the visualization we understand that the most costly item category was the action  This is what conclusion that I can draw from item category and cost. In ending this is what item category and cost is and reasons why it’s effective. 
Vertical bar graph of Item Category and Cost

Item Category and Revenue

We chose item category and revenue for our metric and attribute. With this metric and attribute we are able to determine how much each item category made in terms of revenue. For our data set, we chose to do a vertical bar graph. This is because it is easily readable and convenient to view. It is convenient because we chose the exact same visualization for another metric and attribute, item category and cost. This way we can view the visualizations side by side to compare revenue and cost for item categories. From our data set, we can determine that action movies made the most revenue at 15.8 million dollars and the least revenue came from cameras at 2.9 million dollars.  
Vertical bar graph of Item Category and Revenue


Months and Revenue

Another attribute and metric we chose to use are: revenue and month. We choose to use a pie graph because we felt that would be the best way for people to grasp our information because it is easy and quick to understand and look at.  What we can conclude for this data is that the revenue for each month are relatively even. Although some months had a higher revenue than others, none of the months stood out in terms of revenue.
Pie chart of Revenue and Months

Item Category and Units Sold

We used item category and units sold as our final metric and attribute. With these chosen metric and attributes we could find an answer to the question; which item category sold the most units? For this metric and attribute we chose to present it with a horizontal bar graph visualization. With a horizontal bar graph visualization, we are able to easily determine which item category sold the most amount of units and which one sold the least. From our data set, action movies sold the most amount of units at 275,000 units and cameras sold the least amount at 53,000 units.
Horizontal bar graph showing Item Category and Units Sold

Dashboard Embedding

<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="640" height="480" src="https://my.microstrategy.com/MicroStrategy/servlet/mstrWeb?pg=embedSecure&documentID=92101D9811E3B3C3000000802F579B48&OrgId=20699&RRUid=1776011"></iframe>